The Best Zero Trust Security Solutions

Discover the 3 Zero Trust Security Solutions and explore their features such as ZTNA, Network Segmentation, and MFA.


What is Zero Trust ?

Zero Trust is a security model that assumes that all users, devices, and applications inside a network are untrustworthy and must be verified before access is granted.

Unlike traditional security models, which rely on a perimeter defense, Zero Trust focuses on securing each individual access point.

Essentially, it means that nothing is trusted by default, and everyone and everything is verified before being granted access to sensitive data.

Why is Zero Trust important?

The traditional security model, which relies on a perimeter defense, is no longer effective. With the rise of remote work and the use of cloud services, the perimeter has become increasingly porous.

Cybercriminals are able to exploit vulnerabilities and gain access to sensitive data from anywhere in the world.

Zero Trust is important because it provides a more comprehensive approach to security.

It assumes that threats can come from anywhere, and as such, it provides a more thorough and granular level of protection.

How can Zero Trust help protect sensitive data?

By assuming that all users, devices, and applications are untrustworthy, Zero Trust requires that each access request be verified before it is granted.

This means that even if a hacker is able to gain access to one part of the network, they will not be able to move laterally and access other parts of the network without being verified.

Zero Trust also provides a more granular level of control, allowing administrators to limit access to sensitive data based on specific criteria, such as user role, device type, and location.

The Best Zero Trust Security Solutions

Perimeter 81

Private Networking
Perimeter 81 offers private networking capabilities that allow you to create a secure, isolated network for your business. This network is not accessible to the public, so you can be sure that your data is safe from hackers and other cyber threats.

Secure Access to Cloud Applications
Perimeter 81 provides secure access to cloud applications such as Salesforce, Google Apps, Office 365, and more. Their solution is compatible with 2FA and Single Sign-On (SSO) to authenticate users and provide them with secure access to the applications they need.

Zero Trust Security Model
Perimeter 81 uses a Zero Trust security model, which means that all users, regardless of their location or device, must be authenticated and authorized before they can access the network. This ensures that only authorized users can access sensitive data and prevents unauthorized access by malicious actors.

Virtual Private Servers
Perimeter 81’s virtual private servers (VPS) offer another layer of protection for your data. VPS are dedicated servers that are not shared with other users, so you can be sure that your data is kept safe and confidential.

Comprehensive Reporting and Analytics
Perimeter 81’s reporting and analytics tools give you visibility into your networks and allow you to identify potential threats quickly. Their reporting tools also help you track user activity and monitor compliance with security policies.



What is Nordlayer?
Nordlayer is a cloud-based security platform that provides VPN, firewall, and anti-malware protection for businesses of all sizes. It offers a variety of features to defend against threats, including:

– VPN: A VPN (virtual private network) encrypts all traffic between your devices and Nordlayer’s servers, making it difficult for hackers to intercept your data.

– Firewall: Nordlayer’s firewall prevents unwanted traffic from accessing your network, protecting your devices from attack.

– Anti-malware: Nordlayer’s anti-malware protection scans incoming traffic for malware and blocks it before it reaches your devices.

Network Segmentation
Nordlayer’s network segmentation feature gives you the ability to protect your data by limiting access to specific resources. By defining user permissions, you can control who has access to what data, making it difficult for unauthorized users to access sensitive information.

In addition, Nordlayer’s network segmentation can help improve performance by reducing network traffic and avoiding potential bottlenecks. By segmenting the network into smaller parts, Nordlayer helps you make the most efficient use of your resources and keep your data safe.

The NordLayer Shared Gateways It’s a secure and easy-to-use VPN service that allows you to connect to NordLayer servers in 30 locations around the world. With it, you can access your NordLayer account from any computer or mobile device with an Internet connection.

Nordlayer’s ThreatBlock is a powerful tool to protect your users and devices from malware, ransomware and viruses. By blocking malicious traffic at the gateway, Nordlayer prevents infected devices from communicating with your network.

In addition, Nordlayer’s advanced heuristics and machine learning algorithms identify and block new and emerging threats. As a result, ThreatBlock provides a robust defense against the ever-changing cyber threat landscape. Nordlayer’s ThreatBlock is an essential tool for any organization serious about protecting its data and users.



Twingate is the next-generation remote access solution that provides CISOs and IT managers with the security and peace of mind they need to keep their data safe. With features like user authentication and authorization, data encryption, and compliance with industry standards, Twingate is the best way to secure remote access to company data and applications.

User Authentication and Authorization
One of the most important features of Twingate is its user authentication and authorization capabilities. With Twingate, CISOs and IT managers can rest assured that only authorized users will be able to access company data and applications. Twingate uses industry-standard protocols such as SAML 2.0 and OIDC for user authentication, and it supports both active directory (AD) and LDAP for user authorization. 

Data Encryption
Another key feature of Twingate is its ability to encrypt data in transit. All data that passes through the Twingate network is encrypted using AES-256, ensuring that it cannot be intercepted or decrypted by unauthorized parties. 

Compliance with Industry Standards
In addition to its robust security features, Twingate is also compliant with industry standards such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and GDPR. This compliance ensures that companies can use Twingate with confidence, knowing that their data is being handled in a manner that meets all relevant regulations.